Adult & Remedial Education

Struggling with how to help students get into the programs and/or classes they really want? Questions like the ones below surface throughout the country.

Are students really not ready and/or adquately prepared to succeed in transfer-level (or even college-level) courses? How do I know if they are at risk of failure because they lack necessary skills? Or if they just need more encouragement and greater confidence. Are students lacking the confidence to display the skills you beleive they may already have, and if so, why?

Are students taking classes they don’t need? Or are they taking additional classes to pick up skills they do need to succeed? If they are taking additional classes, how do I tell if they are resulting in successful outcomes? And are there other reprocussions for these students?

Why do students frequently want to re-take classes they took in high school?

Should students in ELL programs in high school be encouraged to continue in ELL/ESL in college?

Is adult education the same as non-credit? How do they differ from community education? And who should care about adult education?